Tuesday 19 December 2017


QA vice can become a virtue as a poison medicine.

Right twice the light due to the moonlight.

Ah la energie du Soleil que charge le couer propre,
A le vitamin precurser de le lipid en la réseau de le connectión neuro-endochronic que el umor de l'ophtalamogue change.
Ne pa' vitreux, mais cristalline! La résolution il est l'eme.

Je suis reconaissant pa l'energie dans l'Universe qui réside en moi, toi et dans tout l'Universe...

Il dubbio non é scelta, non é alternativa, non proviene dal proprio sé.

A hand bringing a sugar cane with the thumb opened directional to another, still not present on that blue eyes screen. In a vanish moment, other hand accepted the rolling relé of knowledge.
Calm in the happiness and sadness over duality.
Solitude, looking your body inside,  cleaning you, criticises choices square or row, having food...
poor call, tremble, ear moving. Grateful for a soy cup. TIME.

Datti del tu e sei già fuori,

Semplicemente sii.

Espansioni e contrazioni, macro e microsmo, intime connessioni animiche.

During annihilation one is completely absorbed with oneself...inference - anumana disappear.
Energy. In the loneliness feel the others, and you will be them, but me where I am? Writing to you, Oh inner being...You, me, who? LOVE. Yang meditation marking the white paper. I just need love. Feel your self, today is gone.

Lateral symmetry as evolutionary approach developed to teach massage.

Meditating is looking all the tonalities of the light under the eyes screen and is surprising find the same in the darkness with closing eyes.

Spread the effort.
Hope is dependence.

I'm managing love, 
I'd like to be who I am,
but my aim
is to become a Researcher.

Alberghi nel più lussuoso scrigno dei miei pensieri.

Improve your ego, overcoming it in the annihilation.

Saturday 18 November 2017


Edible eggs and larvae of Oentomophyla smarandina (Asian weaver ants) on the screen, while on the top right mummy and daddy during a trophallaxis kisses!

Sunday 5 November 2017

Romance I

Pull out your jackets bitch! Are you soaring me already as voraciousness Piranha its prey? I'll put you in a pond with a Pygocentrus nattereri so that Prana can still blow through your gills. In that shallow surface where the swallow is taking-off and you can easily jump to it. Your pour desire is letting me to the ground. A scotch tape around your mouth, but a biodegradable one to hear your speech at the end of the cycle that never be. Gabriel is around you looking through your eyes, enveloping you with his wings, would you like to perform again, love? In a grid, spitting out an avalanche of shuffling words. Should I chisel your name on your rear or your forehead, so that you can see? Saturnidae, but retching. Sitting by your side on Isoptera chair, smoking the last ash. Un-stagger my walking, gradual while going there while your Anisoptera soul is hovering through the white Chandra rainbow laying on a pea, where a choir of Erithacus rubecula is singing your name, the sweetest one.